You're The Grapes of Wrath!
by John Steinbeck
You're mired in a deep depression that encompasses you and everyone
you know. You're trying to get out of the depression, but your idea of help is, in
itself, pretty sad. While some are convinced that this all has a deeper meaning, you're
really just dull and tedious. And utterly obsessed with dust. You really need to focus
on something other than dust. Your best moments center around turtles.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
How depressing
Friday, August 24, 2007
While I realize this is technically correct...
You Failed 8th Grade Spanish |
![]() Sorry, you only got 5/8 correct! |
Could You Pass 8th Grade Spanish?
...considering I've never actually studied Spanish, 5 out of 8 seems pretty good!
Back in Chicago

Actually, I've been back for a few days now, but I'm just getting around to posting. Meg and Benjamin went home from the hospital on Sat. and were doing very well when I left. He's mostly a good baby and not fussy, but when he gets mad, he gets MAD! He'll go from nothing wrong to screaming in no time at all.
The bibs I made from Mason-Dixon Knitting are too big for him right now, so no pictures of him wearing them. I made a little spring green hat from Knitpicks Shine but no pictures of that or of the little purple hat and socks I made a couple of days ago because I didn't manage to take pictures before giving them away. I'll try to be better in the future.
I've made a decision to stop knitting for charity in the short term and knit for Benjamin instead. They really have very little and minimum wage jobs don't get you very far these days, so what little they have for the baby are gifts from other peole and various hand-me-downs. So, in a way, I'll still be knitting for the disadvantaged, I just know who the person is.
P.S. I know I'm just a little biased but I think Benjamin is the cutest baby there ever was!!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
No pictures yet
But, Meg had her baby yesterday morning!!!
He was born on Aug. 16, 2007 at 10:25 am. He is 7lb 9oz and is 21 1/2" long.
He was born on Aug. 16, 2007 at 10:25 am. He is 7lb 9oz and is 21 1/2" long.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Soon now
Well, I just talked to my mom and she says that Meg has finally started pushing. Apparently things are moving rather slowly (poor Meg--I hope she had an epidural). Anyhoo, hopefully it will not be much longer.
I'm going to leave for Iowa this afternoon but this time I'll be staying with my mother who has internet access. I'll keep updating and of course there will be pictures of the baby!
Oh, remember how I said I was going to try to get some good sleep? Yeah, right. I fell asleep sometime after midnight. Good thing I'm wired on adrenaline!
I'm going to leave for Iowa this afternoon but this time I'll be staying with my mother who has internet access. I'll keep updating and of course there will be pictures of the baby!
Oh, remember how I said I was going to try to get some good sleep? Yeah, right. I fell asleep sometime after midnight. Good thing I'm wired on adrenaline!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Mom just called and the contractions are 2-3 minutes apart and Meg is heading to the hospital!! This is it!!!
Mom is heading to the hospital too. I'm sad I can't leave until tomorrow morning, but it's probably for the best. I worked really late last night and there's a storm here and it's a 7 hour drive. Not a very good combination. I was really tired. Now I'm pumped up, but I'm going to try to get some sleep so I can be fresh for the drive tomorrow.
Will let you all know more when there is more to know!
*starts running around the apartment waving arms in the air*
Mom is heading to the hospital too. I'm sad I can't leave until tomorrow morning, but it's probably for the best. I worked really late last night and there's a storm here and it's a 7 hour drive. Not a very good combination. I was really tired. Now I'm pumped up, but I'm going to try to get some sleep so I can be fresh for the drive tomorrow.
Will let you all know more when there is more to know!
*starts running around the apartment waving arms in the air*
On the way???
Contractions are 7 minutes apart! She's supposed to go to the hospital when they're 5 minutes apart and hard. But, my mom says that it all could stop even after getting to the hospital and then they'll send her home. So, I'm trying (very unsucessfully) to not get too excited. I'll keep updating as news comes in. Since it's too late for me to rent a car tonight I haven't got anything else to do.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
He's coming out whether he wants to or not
Just got a message from my sister: they are going to induce next Monday if she hasn't gone into labor by then. So, I should be an aunt by Tuesday at the latest!
Still no baby
Ya'll are probably wondering about the baby situation. Well, babyBen has yet to arrive. Meg was supposed to have a doctor's appointment today so I'll try to call her later and see what the scoop is.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Dear Sock Pal Jean,
I am sorry I haven't written before. I got your package last week and I love all of it!
The socka are a wonderful, spring-like color and the yarn is soft and yummy. The pattern is beautiful and they fit very well. I love the little baby socks and I will put them aside for the day that they are needed (hopefully sometime in the next year!). The UC Davis magnets are all on my fridge. And the chocolate! Sooo good!
Love, Elisabeth
P.S. Since my cat has had all but about four of his teeth removed (I got him from the pound and he was in pretty bad shape) I have great respect for vet dentistry! ;)
Someday soon, I will take a picture of my sockapalooza loot and post the pictures of the socks that I make for my pal.
The socka are a wonderful, spring-like color and the yarn is soft and yummy. The pattern is beautiful and they fit very well. I love the little baby socks and I will put them aside for the day that they are needed (hopefully sometime in the next year!). The UC Davis magnets are all on my fridge. And the chocolate! Sooo good!
Love, Elisabeth
P.S. Since my cat has had all but about four of his teeth removed (I got him from the pound and he was in pretty bad shape) I have great respect for vet dentistry! ;)
Someday soon, I will take a picture of my sockapalooza loot and post the pictures of the socks that I make for my pal.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Baby Alert
My sister will be going into labor ANY MINUTE NOW and my entire family is on standby. Our phones are nearby, and we run to answer them, hurdling chairs and and pushing people out of the way. Of course, it is mainly us calling each other, "Have you heard anything?" Today I called my mother on her cell while she was at work because, it turns out, I don't have my sister's phone number (I could've sworn I had it around here somewhere; I'm not known for my organizational skills or rather, I am, but I'm not good at organizing my own life). My mother, somewhat annoyed that it was her older daughter calling rather than her younger one demanded, "What do you want?" I told her to call me back later.
This is the first baby in my immediate family. I am beside myself with nervousness and excitement and I can barely get any labwork done, because I am thinking about Meghan and the baby all the time. She has been having contractions 20 minutes apart for days now. She's supposed to see the doctor tomorrow if the baby doesn't come before then.
This is a marked contrast to when Meghan herself was born. It was a Sunday, and I woke up because there was a commotion out in the hall. I went out and asked what was going on and Jason said, "Mom's having the baby!" To which I replied, "I guess we're not going to church then," and went back to sleep. I was 12 at the time and this being my third sibling and possibly another brother (Mom didn't ask what the sex was) I was not so enthusiastic. I made up for it later though, by inviting my friend over and we waited by the phone while baking a cake to welcome my mom and the new baby (don't worry, I cleaned up the kitchen) and when my father called to tell me I had a new sister, there waa much jumping up and down and screaming followed by, "Does this mean I get a new room?"* And then more jumping up and down and screaming.
This is very different. It's getting to the point that when they call me to tell me she's in labor, I might just rent a car right that minute and drive to Iowa (unless it's the middle of the night in which case the car rental place will be closed). For her sake, I hope it's over by the time I get there (it's a 7 hour drive), but I wouldn't mind sitting up with someone waiting. If it happens in the middle of the night I don't know what I'll do becuase I'll want to call someone and it's considered bad form to call your friends in the middle of the night unless you are dying or your heart has been broken. I had been iffy about whether I was going to go see the baby right away or wait until the baptism, but I now realize there is no possible way I can wait.
*My two borthers shared a room, but I had always had my own. However, my room was too tiny to be shared, even with a baby (my bed and dresser fit in there and that was about it) so if the baby was a girl, we were enclosing the back porch and that was going to be my new room and I was going to get to decorate it.
This is the first baby in my immediate family. I am beside myself with nervousness and excitement and I can barely get any labwork done, because I am thinking about Meghan and the baby all the time. She has been having contractions 20 minutes apart for days now. She's supposed to see the doctor tomorrow if the baby doesn't come before then.
This is a marked contrast to when Meghan herself was born. It was a Sunday, and I woke up because there was a commotion out in the hall. I went out and asked what was going on and Jason said, "Mom's having the baby!" To which I replied, "I guess we're not going to church then," and went back to sleep. I was 12 at the time and this being my third sibling and possibly another brother (Mom didn't ask what the sex was) I was not so enthusiastic. I made up for it later though, by inviting my friend over and we waited by the phone while baking a cake to welcome my mom and the new baby (don't worry, I cleaned up the kitchen) and when my father called to tell me I had a new sister, there waa much jumping up and down and screaming followed by, "Does this mean I get a new room?"* And then more jumping up and down and screaming.
This is very different. It's getting to the point that when they call me to tell me she's in labor, I might just rent a car right that minute and drive to Iowa (unless it's the middle of the night in which case the car rental place will be closed). For her sake, I hope it's over by the time I get there (it's a 7 hour drive), but I wouldn't mind sitting up with someone waiting. If it happens in the middle of the night I don't know what I'll do becuase I'll want to call someone and it's considered bad form to call your friends in the middle of the night unless you are dying or your heart has been broken. I had been iffy about whether I was going to go see the baby right away or wait until the baptism, but I now realize there is no possible way I can wait.
*My two borthers shared a room, but I had always had my own. However, my room was too tiny to be shared, even with a baby (my bed and dresser fit in there and that was about it) so if the baby was a girl, we were enclosing the back porch and that was going to be my new room and I was going to get to decorate it.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
It appears I don't exist
Top 5 facts:
2. Backwards, it is Htebasile Angetnom... nice ring to it, huh?
3. In Pig Latin, it is Elisabethway Ontegnamay
5. People with this first name are probably: Female. So, you are constantly overcharged for beauty products.
3 things you didn't know:
2. Your 'Numerology' number is 8. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are motivated by material success and have an aptitude for business, managerial and financial matters. This comes through your uncommon discipline and persistence.
3. According to the US Census Bureau°, 0.023% of US residents have the first name 'Elisabeth' and fewer than 0.001% have the surname 'Montegna'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 0 'Elisabeth Montegna's.
2. Backwards, it is Htebasile Angetnom... nice ring to it, huh?
3. In Pig Latin, it is Elisabethway Ontegnamay
5. People with this first name are probably: Female. So, you are constantly overcharged for beauty products.
3 things you didn't know:
2. Your 'Numerology' number is 8. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are motivated by material success and have an aptitude for business, managerial and financial matters. This comes through your uncommon discipline and persistence.
3. According to the US Census Bureau°, 0.023% of US residents have the first name 'Elisabeth' and fewer than 0.001% have the surname 'Montegna'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 0 'Elisabeth Montegna's.
What ancient language are you?
Your Score: Hieroglyphics
You are Egyptian Hieroglyphics! Monumental, ornate and even in technicolour! Your users contributed virtually all ancient knowledge on inks, dyes and writing surfaces - to the point where the popular reed of Papyrus became the universal name for organic, manufactured writing surfaces in the western hemisphere for thousands of years. Proud, upstanding and dignified.
Link: The Which Ancient Language Are You Test written by imipak on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
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