So, I give you....
One sock for my husband:
The pattern is Whitby from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road (sorry, I'm not feeling up to putting in the links today. Maybe I'll add them later). I'm working on the leg of the second sock. These are knitting up pretty fast. I usually knit socks on size 1 or 0 needles, and these were on size 3. I feel like I'm flying through them! It helps that my husband's feet are only slightly larger than mine so it's not like I need to make a humongous pair of socks.
I've also been working on some sewing projects. I've made some coasters from Amy Karol's Bend the Rules Sewing book.
These are for John's grandmother who used to be a French teacher:

These are for my grandmother:

I went to Loopy yarn store today and got these:
On the left is Euroflax with which I'll be making a pair of handtowels for my mother-in-law, a la Mason-Dixon Knitting (the first book). I've never worked with linen before--should be interesting. On the right are two balls of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock which are destined to be a pair of socks for my mother who has enjoyed the socks I've given her the last couple of years.
Not shown: a set of coasters for my step-grandmother. They are next on my list of sewing projects.
Finally, I give you my cat's new favorite sleeping spot:
I knew there was a reason I was keeping a box of yarn lying around the apartment.