Saturday, July 14, 2007

Collar: 3, Elisabeth: 0

So, um, I spent quite a bit of time on the collar last night and it still isn't permanently attached to the shirt. I'm having some difficulty attaching it so that the seam looks smooth.

Also, I knit several rounds on the Sockapalooza socks and ended up ripping them all out again. *sigh*

Perhaps I should have realized that since it was Friday the 13th, no good could come of me working on craft projects (especially with a black cat in the house).


  1. It would have been kind of someone to point out to you that a collared shirt isn't exactly a beginner project, especially if it has a band. But, it sounds like you are getting there, so just keep at it! And tailor's chalk is your friend. Much easier to mark nipples than with pins. ;)

    We must be in synch--I went to the fabric store today and stumbled into a 60% off sale. The budget gods were watching out for me though since most of the fabric I liked didn't have enough left on the bolt to do anything with except possibly make pincushions.

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Do you happen to have PMS? It tends to give me lots of frantic energy but no forward motion for some reason. I start a lot of stuff, I stop a lot of stuff. I eat, cry, get my period and feel better.

    Just wondering.
